For National Council Elections: Gogler was selected as the primary candidate

The whole of Europe has won with this decision, Koegler said in his speech before the election by the delegates to the Federal Congress. This cannot be overstated. The party leader stressed that each of these measures was well thought out and legally proven: “Otherwise we wouldn’t have done it,” he said. Swipe his alliance partner.

At the same time, he also expressed understanding for the ÖVP. He takes his government partner seriously. It is fair to see it differently. Kögler: “I believe that with Chancellor Nehhammer (Carl, ÖVP; note) things will continue to be organized very properly and efficiently. That’s important to me too.”

Graphics: APA/ORF; Source:

“Track” Millions of Successors

Apart from the Renaissance Act, Koegler also highlighted other projects that came with the Green Policy, including the Freedom of Information Act and the Climate Act. The fact that it will take a long time for the Russian “blood gas” to be phased out is related to the fact that representatives of all parties except NEOS and the Greens “have been working towards economic crime for years.”

This, like economic relations with Russia, should be addressed in the election campaign. Kogler wants to “track” millions of heirs. The inheritor paid nothing and was not a Christian.

“I want it, I can”

He said it was a “privilege and grace” to be leader of the Green Party and to serve in government. Kogler had already announced his intention to serve in the next legislative term – either in the opposition or in the government. He was a “passionate parliamentarian”. “Surely it will lead to a government job,” he said.

Before that there’s still an election campaign to win: “I want it, I can do it,” Koegler said. And he knows “more needs to be done” because a lot of headwinds are expected: “This is the starting signal for the catch-up race we’re about to embark on.”

Leonore Kuesler on stage

APA/Tobias Steinmaurer

Gwessler ranked second on the list with a majority of 98.1 percent

Vote for twelve seats on the federal list

Delegates vote on a total of twelve seats on the federal list and confirm the state lists for the National Council elections. His move to vote for the EU revival agreement despite opposition from the ÖVP received overwhelming support from around 200 representatives in the Federal Congress. Vienna Bread Factory.

He “wrote green history,” said Judith Buehringer, party leader of the Vienna Greens, who works with Peter Krause. “That’s how things are going,” Gwessler told delegates, adding that the ÖVP small Greens “we’ve shown that this is not a law of nature. We’ve delivered.” Kiwesler was second on the list with 98.1 percent.

Following Kogler and Gieszler on the federal list are Justice Minister Alma Zadić (98.5 percent), club boss Sigrid Maurer (81.9 percent) and, in fifth place, Secretary General Olga Voklaar (73.5 percent).

Almost 14 percent in the last National Council elections

In the 2017 National Council elections, the Greens were kicked out of the National Council after the four percent threshold was removed. In 2019 they reached 13.9 percent – ​​a remarkable success, for which Kogler is primarily responsible. He entered the election campaign in 2019 with an approval rating of 98.58 percent. This year, the party is four years younger than its 2019 figures in a coalition with the ÖVP.

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