Biden looks pale and old in TV fight against Trump – Iran votes…

We start your news day with you and give you a quick overview of the morning’s most important topics.

Biden vs. Trump. That night, US President Joe Biden and his predecessor Donald Trump engaged in the eagerly anticipated first televised battle of this presidential campaign. All Democrats’ fears come true: Biden looks paler, slower and older, our reporter analyzes Elizabeth Postal. More on this

The European Union fixes the high level. At a summit in Brussels, EU heads of state and government appointed Ursula van der Leyen as Commission president for a second term. Former Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Costa was appointed as the future Council President and Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas as the next EU foreign policy representative. All three, he writes, have to deal with a world that is considerably less hospitable Oliver Grimm In the editorial.

The EU accession process is on hold with Georgia “for now”. The EU summit also decided that Georgia’s accession process would not continue until further notice. Heads of state and government expressed “serious concern” about the government’s course in Tbilisi – particularly its law against “foreign influence”. More on this

Germany and its railway chaos. On time like the railways? Not in Germany, evidently in the European Championship at the moment. German transport expert Christian Bodger is skeptical in an interview Christoph SotterThat he would still enjoy a properly functioning railway in his life. More on this

Home energy prices have fallen. Good news for consumers: Home energy prices fell for the eighth consecutive month in May: 1.9 percent from the previous month and 5.9 percent from the same month last year. The bad news: Prices remain high compared to pre-crisis levels. More on this

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Presidential election in Iran. Some 61 million Iranians have been called today to elect a successor to President Ibrahim Raisi, who died in an accident. Hardliner Said Jalili is leading in opinion polls. However, the real power in Iran rests with the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei.

100 years ago today Wrote “Neue Freie Presse” about the air race with the sun. More on this

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