Dijon Sylla wins the 2024 Bachmann Prize with a tragic comedy

A writer from Bosnia-Herzegovina who lives in Germany Dijan Sila The Ingeborg Bachmann Prize worth 25,000 euros was awarded on Sunday morning. In the story “The Day My Mother Went Crazy,” he tells how he and his parents fled the war in Yugoslavia to Germany, where their parents’ degrees were useless and both became unemployed. However, they hated their son because he was only a teacher.

The sad text was a competition favorite from the start and evoked unanimous enthusiasm among the judges. Jury Philip DinglerAt whose invitation Dijon Sylla participated in the competition, his eulogy highlighted Sylla’s “tone of unsentimental laconicism” and his “distinctive style in its mixture of playfulness, sadness and melancholy”.

This text is part of an ongoing novel project by Dijon Silas. The novel is thematically linked to the novel “Radio Sarajevo” to be published by Hanser Berlin in 2026 and published in 2023.

Never roll without it

The Austrian won the 3SAT prize Johanna Sebauer A. With his text “The Curgirl,” Proust intended to give the pickle as adequate a representation in literature as the sponge cake madeleine. It was successful. For the first time, the literary debate was dominated by the question of whether it is possible to eat without pickles and sausage rolls.

Born in 1988, Sebauer works full-time in science communication and is best known for his refreshing alternative vernacular novel “Ninchof” about a village that wants to be forgotten in 2023. His text was written by “Das Gurkerl” Jury President Klaus Kastberger proposed. A risk, since humorous texts are rare in Klagenfurt.

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His calculation paid off. The jury was unanimous in its positive assessment. “Literature can be entertaining and yet meaningful,” Kastberger says of the text, which uses the pickle controversy to describe the increasing mechanisms in media.

Sebayer’s witty contribution also impressed people outside the jury: he also won the Audience Award, which was voted on online. The decision for the 3SAT prize was a tie between Sebaur and Sebaur Tamara Stagner fell, which eventually won the Kellogg Prize. A Slovenian writer and musician living in Vienna inspired people with his speech “Air Town”.

The Deutschlandfunk Prize was also awarded. It went to a German writer Denise Pfabe. His contribution “The Possibility of an Order” brought up an unusual topic of discussion in the Klagenfurt literary circle: the hardware store. Jury chairman Kastberger admitted: “I hate hardware stores” – which led to an unusual title for the Bachmann Prize.

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